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Day 2: Presence 2.0

Today Jess is going to take you on a deeper dive of presence and what it looks like day to day. Give being present a try right now and press play.

At Relatable our audio sessions are meant to be paired with putting what you learn into action. So scroll down and pick out how you'll put this into action today. 

Put it into Practice

This whole relationship thing takes practice.

Pick one thing you can do today to grow the skill of presence


Use your powers of observation and find people around you that you feel are very present. What are they doing? What are they not doing?


What does it feel like inside when you are present with another person? How about when someone is present with you? Can you imagine what good presence feels like?


Practice being present in your interactions today. It's not big gestures. It's fully showing up in your interactions between you and others. Does being present really move the needle in feelings of connectedness?

You've got this! 

Keep any eye out for part three tomorrow.

We've got one more day to go. Now go out and put this into action.

The hidden relationship skill that'll change it all

Day 1: Presence

First things first, press play. Sit back and relax while Jess and Eric break down this simple but effective tool for all your relationships. 
Easy huh? Now pick one of the ways to Put It Into Practice
Think about your preacentc 
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Let's do a deeper dive on presence

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Montague and Mill LLC

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